JANUARY 29, 2011

DIVE REPORT: WEST PALM BEACH (double click white box in upper right corner for better pics and a better read; all rights reserved):

WOW!!!  The sharks were out today in West Palm Beach.  The diving conditions were pretty damn good also: not a cloud in the sky; bottom temps. of 68 degrees ( a little chilly); air temps. of 70 to 75; visibility of 60 to 80 feet; a nice north current; and, flat seas.

Headed to Shark Canyon for the first dive; we have not dove this site since early December; so, we were expecting the reef to be loaded with creatures, and it was!

Right when we hit the bottom, we were greeted by a large Loggerhead Turtle — one of six we saw on the dive.  As we made our way north on the reef, we started running into Nurse Sharks under the ledges, followed by Caribbean Reef Sharks.

From that point forward, we ran into sharks constantly; both Nurse Sharks and Caribbean Reef Sharks.  There were probably at least eight Reefies and six or seven Nurse Sharks.  As we began our ascent, we even had a Reefie swin underneath us.

Right before we began our ascent, we spotted a Ridley Turtle underneath a ledge.  This is the fourth Ridley we have seen in the past five to six weeks.  That is unheard of and has never happened before.  The more numerous sightings may be an indication that the turle is recovering from near extinction.

A great dive on a beautiful day!

For the second dive, we jumped in on Governor’s Riverwalk.  We encountered a very photogenic Loggerhead Turtle.  But, the highlight of the dive was a massive Bull Shark.  The shark was easily 9 to 10 feet with serious girth.  Unfortunately, they will not come close to you unless you have food so I was not able to get a photographic of this magnificent shark.

If only every weekend of diving were this good!!!

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