MARCH 12, 2011

DIVE REPORT: WEST PALM BEACH (double-click white box in upper right corner for better read and better pics; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED):

The good news is the the water warmed to 70 degrees, which is very warm considering we have been diving in water temps. in the mid-60’s the past few weeks.  But, the vis was not great at 30 to 50 feet and we had a southern current.  Southern currents tend to screw-up diving.  The seas were 2 to 3 feet and there was plenty of sunshine; not a cloud in the sky.


We headed north out of the inlet to Shark Canyon and The Corridor.  Unfortunately, we did not see and “real” sharks, only a couple of nurse sharks.  A handful of turtles were out, a couple of loggerheads and a hawksbill.  Only one goliath on the Mizpah.  Again, the southern current tends to really screw-up diving some times.  Some large schools of fish were around and at least a large green moray was showing itself.

Hopefully, next weekend will be better.

Doug Kahle

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