MARCH 19, 2011

DIVE REPORT: WEST PALM BEACH, FL (double-click white box in upper right corner for better pics and a better read; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED):

Outstanding diving on Saturday!!!!  Not a cloud in the sky, flat seas, 73 degree bottom temps. (which is very warm considering we have been diving in mid-60’s the past several weeks), 150 feet of beautifully blue water, and a lot of big creatures in the water — outstanding!!!!

The highlight of the day was a 12 to 14 foot Great Hammerhead Shark.  They are very shy and rarely come close to divers; I have only seen 5 in my entire life.  It was a magnificent shark, not a mark on it — a perfect creature.

The dive reports from the prior day said the blue water was to the south; so, we headed to the 60-foot reefs for the morning dives.  And, as allueded to above, this was some of the best water we have had in a very long time.  Not only was the water crystal clear, but there were a lot of creatures on the reef.

The water was so good, I went back out in the afternoon for more dives.

In addition to the Great Hammerhead Shark, we ran into Lemon Sharks, Bull Sharks, a Caribbean Reef Shark, more Nurse Sharks than I could count, Goliaths, Turtles, large Rays, and small bait balls on the reef.

The great visibility made for some great photograhy, especially wide angle.   Not many particles in the water — some beautiful blue colors in the photos.

If the water were always like this, I might just retire and dive every other day.

I cannot wait to get back out next weekend, but I know it will not be this good again for a long time.

Doug Kahle — SAVE THE OCEANS!!!

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